Edgar's top 10 records (circa 1997)

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Re: Edgar's top 10 records (circa 1997)

Post by epsilon75 »

No surprise with JH at number 1.....good to see The Doors "Strange Days" included 8)
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Re: Edgar's top 10 records (circa 1997)

Post by 24db »

epsilon75 wrote:

No surprise with JH at number 1.....good to see The Doors "Strange Days" included 8)
good to see Ligeti still in there, it shows how big an influence he was on TD, and on Rubycon especially
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Re: Edgar's top 10 records (circa 1997)

Post by epsilon75 »

24db wrote:
epsilon75 wrote:

No surprise with JH at number 1.....good to see The Doors "Strange Days" included 8)
good to see Ligeti still in there, it shows how big an influence he was on TD, and on Rubycon especially
Yes....that one always pops up in interviews from the past 8)
RIP Edgar. I am going to miss you.
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Re: Edgar's top 10 records (circa 1997)

Post by jacob »

Interesting list, and nice to see in particular The Doors LP (I love The Doors),

but it's also fascinating to read the 'Focus The Facts' statement:

"Isn't it common practice that people who turned older- relatively saying- are always looking back in time instead of facing today's reality or even better, trying to build their own fiction about tomorrow? Do those fans, grown up with TD's 70ies' and 80ies' material, look back to the maybe "better times in life" they personally went through in such days?"

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Re: Edgar's top 10 records (circa 1997)

Post by billythefish »

jacob wrote:
Interesting list, and nice to see in particular The Doors LP (I love The Doors),

but it's also fascinating to read the 'Focus The Facts' statement:

"Isn't it common practice that people who turned older- relatively saying- are always looking back in time instead of facing today's reality or even better, trying to build their own fiction about tomorrow? Do those fans, grown up with TD's 70ies' and 80ies' material, look back to the maybe "better times in life" they personally went through in such days?"

It's an extremely interesting point, and one where people like you come in, who discovered TD relatively recently.

I've always wondered whether I like Poland so much because it was my first TD album, or whether it is just so damned good!
He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!
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Re: Edgar's top 10 records (circa 1997)

Post by 24db »

jacob wrote:
Interesting list, and nice to see in particular The Doors LP (I love The Doors),

but it's also fascinating to read the 'Focus The Facts' statement:

"Isn't it common practice that people who turned older- relatively saying- are always looking back in time instead of facing today's reality or even better, trying to build their own fiction about tomorrow? Do those fans, grown up with TD's 70ies' and 80ies' material, look back to the maybe "better times in life" they personally went through in such days?"

that reminds me I need to scan the rest
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Re: Edgar's top 10 records (circa 1997)

Post by jacob »

24db wrote:that reminds me I need to scan the rest

After about a year and a half of the existence of this homepage and a six-figure entry scale, Jerome and myself thought about a little new department within the page to adress a few issues which seemed to need some clarification. It's not our desire to vote for or against our fan's opinion. The freedom of choice and opinion must and always will be a trademark of this homepage. We have never corrected your welcoming greetings in our guestbook - except very few ones which clearly where identified as statements of racism, blackmail, or had clear signatures of misunderstanding a guestbook as an open door chatroom. It's our attempt and effort to set a few records straight- cleaning some carpets and supporting the positive attitude and atmosphere of this homepage. Also, we'll take the chance to give our thankful respect to all of you making TD's music to a more or less atmospheric companion in your daily life.

To make the following statements a bit more organized, we'll set up blocks which deal with various issues out of some controversial aspects we've thought need to be clarified. Our statements here should not be misinterpreted as being a part of a TD chatroom or reflecting the pros and cons of certain aspects of public interests, nor should this section replace the FAQ section of the TD web site. What you read here are personal thoughts of the writers adressed to whom it may be concerned on the endless human patterns of opinions, lifestyles, social attitudes, religious or non-religious backgrounds, and finally the differences of consciousness out there. Thank you for taking the time to read this - it's personally written and impersonally sent.

1. The »boring« and the »genious« TD decades

We are very often surprised how agressive some people argue against the newer TD releases and for the older ones. To make it absolutely clear, there is nothing wrong if someone dislikes the newer stuff. But there is a very simple and very effective solution to solve such »problems«: Just buy what you like!

No one can or will force you to spend your sour earned money on something you feel uncomfortable with. So nobody except you is taking your creditcard out of your briefcase and handles it over to the cashier's desk. It's as simple as that, isn't it?

But beyond such aspects there might be another psychological background which some of our fans aren't aware of. Isn't it common practice that people who turned older- relativetly saying- are always looking back in time instead of facing today's reality or even better, trying to build their own fiction about tomorow? Do those fans, grown up with TD's 70ies' and 80ies' material, look back to the maybe "better times in life" they personally went through in such days? That might be one reason, but the newer experiences will not get more comfortable by pressing them into the framework of yesterday- that's just a sentimental illusion. So it is also an illusion for an artist to stick with an artistic expression created 20 years ago- no matter how successful it was in public.

We always have been very suspicious about those artists who "always gave the people what they wanted." A true artist has to follow other patterns and roads than those who just fulfill their fan's expectations. Artists who are just following "the crowd's clapping syndrom" often find themselves waked up beyond the freaking loud curtain of glory in an icy and silent little chamber of desillusion. Why? Live is a risk! True art is born out of risk with a special view and attitude! Finally people love others who take such risk - a kind of risk, they themselves may be not able to deal with. That is the logical physio-chemical interference between all of us. Some call it "success"- unfortunately some artists only can participate on a long run.

2. About a man who somedays hated arts and artists- reason enough to start writing about this issue

Well, you're right, we'll talk a bit about our real loved ones. Let's start with a little line by the American novelist Susan Sontag - maybe after reading one of her book reviews, she wrote: Interpretation is the revenge of the intellect upon art... and to interpret is to impoverish!

We would go even a bit further and ask: What interpretation can emphasize revenge if the intellect of the writer is on vacation in the Caribbean? So, who cares? Well, our loved ones should not be treated so hardly, haven't they've gotten through one of the most uncomfortable experiences in life, the lack of acknowledgement in their own efforts becoming a successful artist? When good old Sophocles had to realize that "non love the messenger who brings bad news," he might have seen a futuristic projection on the hills of Athens. May he have focussed on Uncle Ernie from a Chicago or London Journal, trying to save his philosophical integrity by killing the Rock Act XYZ or a theatre premiere on broadway with his lousy 400 bucks PC terminal? What a waste of time.

We all can seriously imagine what state of mind a lonesome column writer is into, saving the few bucks for his 12 liner and trying to get away with a bit of a profile, which- after years- could give him some little glimpse of immortality within the Uncle Ernie community. Hey people out there, it's not only the artist who fails, right! And who are you, occupying the right of shooting down the artists with your pen nib like hunting animals out of the dark while sitting in a far away balcony? Are there any exceptions? Of course there are! We've met some hard writing species- and became friends, why? What rules did they follow? Did they play the greasy game: Oh, my Harley died last night, but I do love your new release so much, that I could imagine having a new Harley baby under my ass very soon, got the message? Oh, yes we got it Ernie, but you better borrow a rosty bike from your aunt. No, the true writers can buy themselves ten Harleys in a row if they like, because they are professionals and can affort it any time.

And the serious newcomers? They will also, one day- if not prostituting themselves between the lines in a snobby sober wanna-bes' community. It is a significant signature of a good writer, to be able to separate the mediocrity in arts from those performances and activities who have the originality and impact of being part of the »timeless story«. To find out the edge which appears as a borderline between the two fields, that's what critics, reviews and statements are there for. We would modestly recommend what one of the older professionals in business said: If there is any real doubt whether or not an artist delivered a true work, it is better to vote for than against him; why? You as a writer always have a second chance to correct yourself, the artist, once killed by the medias, often hasn't.

Let's close that little chapter with a statement from the American writer Karl Shapiro: The true artist sticks to his real loves, those within the realms of possibility. He never holds hands with the God born out of fearfull fantasies or the human race itself. He tries to follow some of the more universal patterns!

3. Wouldn't it be nice to put all halfway professional "knobfreaks" in a little box and let 'em play the kiddy opera "who gets the the most enjoyable hookline out of a typewriter while riding a rubber dinghy"?

It's kind of a funny experience how often TD got artistically married to other colleagues in the business. Well folks, your advise made us really proud, specifically to be brought into the »neighbourhood« of some of the huge human samples of the synth-orient and occident. Sorry, but we can't help it; we don't have any heroes or ideals we would like to follow or to »jam in a session together with«, seriously, it's not meant to be arrogant. Musicians out of the synth league, if they see each other in hotel lobbies or within airport lounges, definitely don't talk about random oscillators or sequencer programs or possible recording sessions. For sure they talk about the possibility of being ripped off by their record companies, that's something we all have in common.

You see, we don't have to test each other about knowing the difference between a screwdriver and a joystick. Other story, same issue: what we've read in our guestbook a few month ago, made us just a bit thoughtful. It was the harsh kind of statements by some fans for or against other artists in comparison to TD. It doesn't matter if we personally like, love or dislike other colleague's work, what counts is the fact that neither Jerome nor myself would ever name and critisize a colleague in public or say something respectless about a person who hasn't any chance to defend himself. That is pure blackmail and is not part of our behaviour. Apart from that, we would like to point to earlier statements we've made as far as musical integrity in general is concerned- on this level every musician has the same rights to offer his work to the public. As we all know, the public has the freedom of choice and will judge and vote by following the artist or not. All other comments are a pure waste of time- so please respect a few rules, which are hopefully left between intelligent humans. Thanks.

4. Every question from your side will be recognized

We care about what you think is important to know as far as TD activities, present and past, are concerned - BUT ... take a few minutes to consider the following: Lenny wrote: Why on your way to Tokyo you didn't stop in my hometown Boisy here in Idaho, and come in for a drink- we all love your music. (Really? Hey, cool Lenny in Boisytown, make us a strong cup of coffee, we come right into your homekitchen on our way back from Sydney!) Allison wrote: My daughter Nelly is a bit upset, you've forgotten her birthday. (Sorry, Nellybaby). As you may know Nelly is my two-year-old toddler and has collected all 57 records released by TD. (What galaxy Hypernelly comes from?) We just realized that for her needs, we don't need diapers twice a day anymore since she heard Rubycon as a Tapeloop all night long. (For irregular intestine phenomena please see your ...) Karen wrote: Having overcome our midlife crisis, our sexlife became very interesting after my husband brought your records into the house. Now we're kind of honeymooning all the time, from noon to midnight ... (Wait, what are you doing in the morning hours? Why taking such a useless break, listen to Electronic Meditation, the ultimate aphroadisiac for all couples beyond their seventies!) ... etc.

Hey folks, we do have a very good developed sense of humor, as we hope you have as well. So lots of mail, e-mail, faxes, phone calls and various other messages have made us laugh, made us sometimes very thoughtful, a few times we've been irritated by not knowing who the writer wants to talk to in context to an issue we aren't familiar with. Very few times we're somehow frustrated and angry by being hit with stupid messages which may have left a drugfilled scatterbrain at 5am, just to block up our faxmachine with paperwaste. So if you send us any message, do not wait for an answer back within 24 hours. Do not think that here in our main Berlin Office there are sitting just some arrogant ignorants who don't care about the fans- that's not the case. But these people have to make decisions wether or not somebody is approaching us seriously or was just fooling around with his wordprocessor.

5. Why some records have been released at certain times - others have not been released at all - where did some release confusions came from?

First of all: nearly every musician on this planet has neccesarely to deal with companies in order to make his work known to the public, so far- so bad. If you're young in the business you often sign up longtime contracts which are far beyond any point of fairness against the artist. Every musician, around for some time, went through such an experience in his career- no matter if they are now superstars or all-time loosers. Also TD is no exception from this rule, which by the way puts a few record companies in a very strange position. But that's nothing to be carried out to the public right now. Fact is, that some records from the earlier years have not or just poorly been released, i.e. in the US and elsewhere. Record company's decision. A few Soundtracks have been released by third parties who claim the right to do so- the music on this releases is, to our production standard, absolutely unacceptable. So, with other words: from time to time there will be decisions made by former business partners, which are or seem to be complete nonsense or kind of an disadvantage for the music itself - now you may know why such things can happen.

Other story: It has cost us a lot of time and energy to finally get THE KEEP Soundtrack on to our Studio consoles for final release preparation. The official release is planned by Virgin in March 98. Some 150 special edition copies have been made available during our recent UK tour. Some Fans who got one of these copies believe they've seen an earlier official release back in the Eighties and start complaining about the unsimilarity of the two records. Hold on you hardcore fans- we know that you species always have known where we have to go to, what we have to do, and finally who really has the ultimate right to justify what's good or bad for the band to do. But be sure diehard fans, the original Soundtrack of THE KEEP has never seen the light of a day before.

What you guys are talking about is a bootleg, containing some material from a German radio feature and some music copied directly from The Keep-Video, which has been commercially released years ago. We found it rather enoying to defend ourself against such silly reproaches by some fans who - with some research - should know better. By the way: will you really believe what's been printed on a bootleg or what producers of such boots will sell you as a true story? Lots of boots we saw contained senseless infos- but that's the nature of boots, isn't it? What you finally like or dislike musically is absolutely your choice, but please don't explain us the difference between fiction and reality, O.K., never mind.

6. What is the result of being frustrated with record companies?

You got it, of course we're working hard on our own label. Right now we don't have a huge operation with hundreds of employees behind us, but things are getting better every day. So within the next year, we hope to collect our own catalogoue with over 25 releases which will include older TD material, cuts from live concerts on various places, a selection from so far unreleased Soundtrack music, and of course some surprises a few of you will definitely be happy to put their hands on.

We will let you know through this Website how and when you can make your first orders directly here, or through which Distribution companies these products will reach the dealers' slots near you. Among the first official releases you will definitely find TimeSquare/Dream Mixes II, Ambient Monkeys, Transsiberia Soundtrack, Quinoa- the original Fan Club CD now in full length, Dream Encores -containing most TD concert encores of various decades- just to name a few. Also on a TDI special section, we will feature artists TD has produced and will also support their first releases. So watch this site for more details, coming soon.
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Post by 24db »

cheers dude...saved me the trouble
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Post by Michael66 »

I hope the TDOC blog opens soon, because Edgar's "mission statements" are always a good read. :)
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Post by whiteeagle »

just copied this statement by EF, taken by an interview on a Greek newspaper -please see Andy's blog
It’s very rare to meet personalities like Hendrix, Lennon, Morrison and Neil young, in our days.
Keep on (Tangerine) Dreaming
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